Some Content has Moved to the UTK Employee Hub
Please be aware that content in the Accessibility section is in the process of being moved to the UTK Employee Hub.
- The university has many classrooms on campus. Some of those are in older buildings where accessibility can be an issue. We are working on giving you accessibility information for these classrooms.
- Student Disability Services has resources to assist faculty in providing accommodations in the classroom, including teaching techniques, instructor guide, and more.
- OIT’s Instructional Support has resources on Canvas, Microsoft, videos, and other aspects of instruction and creation of materials.
- UTK Equal Opportunity and Accessibility page on Accessibility, Accommodations, and ADA Compliance.
- Office of the Provost page on Accessible Information, Materials, and Technology
- Read this OIT article on Quick and Dirty Tips for Accessibility when Pivoting to Online Teaching & Learning.
- University Accessibility Map is one of the features you can use for getting around campus. Go to the site and choose Accessibility. You can then choose what features to view on the map.