This is a departmentally-owned room. OIT can offer some assistance with learning the technology in this classroom, but because this is a departmentally-controlled space, we are not able to offer full assistance. Information on this page may not be completely accurate and may be outdated due to department updates.
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 393 – Departmentally-Owned Classroom
Your Room Contains
Classroom Resources:Instructor Resources:
- Control Panel: Wall Style 2
- Cables:
- Podium Monitor(s)
- 1 Wall Projector(s)
How To...
- To turn on the wall screen, tap the Display On button.
- Connect your laptop using the USB-C cable that is on the adapter box.
- Choose HDMI and NOT Laptop to show your laptop on the screen.
- Turn the dial to turn sound levels up and down in the room.
When Finished
- Tap Display Off.
For more information and basic troubleshooting, go to the Technology Training area.
This room is a departmentally-controlled classroom. OIT may not be able to completely support this room because it is not a campus-hosted classroom. We have provided information as to what is in the classroom to the best of our knowledge.