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Medium Control Panel

A medium control panel is a control panel used in classrooms that typically hold 20-40 students. These rooms will often have only 1 or 2 projectors and are set up so that you have one option for displaying images to the projector. If your room has two projectors, the room will normally display the same image on both projectors, but you may have the option to choose a different image for each projector.

To Display an Item to Your Projector

Step 1: Connect Your Laptop

Connect your laptop either using HDMI, VGA, or connect to the Cynap, if available.

Step 2: Choose the Top Button

Choose the top menu item, this may show: Full System On, Projection System On, Turn System On, or another similar menu.

Step 3: Choose the Item You Wish to Display

Under the sub-menu screen, choose the item you wish to display on the room projector.

AMX Style 15 Main Screen

AMX Style 8 Main Screen

AMX Style 10 Main Screen

When Finished

Step 1: Tap Return to Main Page

Step 2: Choose System Off