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IAMM Style

Display an Image on the Screen

  1. Tap Turn System On.
  2. Select All Screens Get Same Image if you want to display to both screens in the room. If you wish to display something different on each screen select Screen 1 and choose what you want to display, then select Screen 2 and choose what you want to display.
  3. Choose what you want to display for the screen(s) option you chose. To use the PC in the room, choose PC and then login using the keyboard and mouse.

When Finished

  1. Press the Home button.
  2. Choose Turn System Off.
Control Panel main page with buttons for Turn System On, Audio Only, and Turn System Off
Step 1
Control panel for IAMM showing screens with options to show HDMI, USBC, Doc Cam, PC
Step 2-3