This page will give updated notes on troubleshooting problems with Cynap.

Android Phone/Tablet or iPhone/iPad Won’t Connect
Make sure you are connected to either eduroam or UT-open Wi-Fi. On eduroam, make sure you also have Private Addressing turned OFF in your Wi-Fi settings.
Cynap is Slow or Not Accepting Connections, Try Ending Presentation Session
Like many computers, Cynap needs to be restarted periodically. The best thing to do is to end the previous session and start a new session which will refresh the Pin code on the system and close out any applications that are having issues.
Ending Your Presentation and Starting a New One
Step 1: Tap the Cynap Screen
Tap the Cynap screen to bring up the ellipsis … menu in the bottom right.
Step 2: Tap End Presentation
Step 3: Tap New Presentation

Cynap has Locked Up and No Menus Work, Can’t End Presentation Session
Cynap is a Linux-based computer. Like many computers, sometimes restarting it will fix it. If you are unable to end the presentation, try this.
Step 1: Find the Physical Cynap Box
Open the podium cabinet or look on the equipment rack to find the physical Cynap box.
Step 2: Turn Machine Off
Hold down the power button until the machine turns off.
Step 3: Wait 10 Seconds
Step 4: Turn Machine Back On
Press the power button to turn the machine back on.
Can’t Reconnect Wirelessly
If you had been connected to the Cynap but are unable to reconnect or you get an error that says: “try to connect your device again.” try Ending the Cynap Presentation and Starting a New One. And make sure your device has sharing enabled. When devices go to sleep, they sometimes have a hard time reconnecting. Try setting your device to not turn off while you are presenting.
Showing PowerPoint Without Laptop
Cynap allows you to show a PowerPoint either from a USB drive plugged into the front of the unit and going to the files tab or by going to the Microsoft 365 tab by launching a PowerPoint saved to OneDrive through the PowerPoint 365 app. Note that a PowerPoint launched from a USB stick will only show the slides. It will not play any embedded media or allow you to go to links. We recommend running a PowerPoint that is saved to OneDrive through the PowerPoint 365 app. Embedded videos and audio will work on this, however, you will not have access to presenter notes. You will be running the PowerPoint directly through Microsoft 365 which does not have presenter view.
Helpful Links
- Check out this guide for troubleshooting Sound and Cynap
- Check out this guide for tips on troubleshooting AirPlay/Screen Mirroring with Cynap