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Zeanah Rooms 370,371,377, and 378 with tables and chairs lined across the classroom

Zeanah Engineering Complex 377 – Departmentally-Owned Classroom

Room Technology Updated: Fall 2021

Max Capacity: 32

This is a departmentally-owned room. This room is an active learning classroom and can combine with rooms 370, 371, and 378 into a single large space. OIT can offer some assistance with learning the technology in this classroom, but because this is a departmentally-controlled space, we are not able to offer full assistance. Information on this page may not be completely accurate and may be outdated due to department updates.

Your Room Contains

Classroom Resources:
Instructor Resources:
  • Control Panel: Zeanah Style 3
  • Cynap
  • Cables:
Instructor Screens:
Audience Screens:
  • 2 in room 377, total of 8 for combined rooms Ceiling Projector(s) Ceiling Projector(s) Ceiling Projector(s)
Audio Visual:
  • Camera
Note: Departmentally-Controlled Classroom

How To...

decorative control panel diagram

Please note: The Zeanah classrooms were installed by the contractor. The control panels do not match control panels in other buildings on campus. These instructions are for using the Cynap in the combined classroom. These instructions are for the following areas:

  • ZEC 170, 171, 177, 178 (Combined)
  • ZEC 270, 271, 277, 278 (Combined)
  • ZEC 370, 371, 377, 378 (Combined)

control panel iconDisplay On Screen: 

  1. Press Anywhere to Start. 
Zeanah control panel main screen showing University of Tennessee, Knoxville logo. Tap screen to get to menu.
Display On Screen: Step 1

control panel iconTo Enable Master Mode: 

  1. Under Wall Mode make sure Automatic is enabled. 
  1. Under Cynap Mode press Enable Master Mode
  1. Press Turn All Projectors On
Zeanah control panel enable master mode screen.
To Enable Master Mode: Steps 1 through 3

Cynap Add Sources: 

  1. Press anywhere to bring up the + and Matrix Icons 
  1. Select the + to open the Plus menu, choose your source to display 
Zeanah Cynap Home Screen Showing the Plus Menu with it's sources
Cynap Add Sources: Steps 1 through 2

Cynap Matrix Icon: 

  1. Press anywhere to bring up the + and Matrix Icons 
  1. Select the Matrix Icon to reach the Room View 
Matrix Icon on the Zeanah Cynap Main Screen
Cynap Matrix Icon: Steps 1 through 2

Cynap Room View:  

  1. Each room will be available to view. You are the room with the Orange Dot
  1. For each screen you want to project to, drag from the Orange Dot to the Cynap in that room labeled as ZEC and the room number. For example: ZEC-170-1-Cynap is the main screen in room 170 and ZEC-170-2-Core is the screen on the side in room 170. 
Cynap Room View: Steps 1 through 2

Returning to the Home Screen on Cynap: 

  1. In the Room View, select the Back Arrow on the right-side of the screen. 

This will return you to the main Home Screen on Cynap where you can view your sources. 

  1. Press the Back Arrow and you will be returned to the main Home Screen. 
*Close up of Cynap Room View*
Returning to the Home Screen on Cynap: Steps 1 through 2

control panel iconWhen Finished:

  1. On the Control Panel screen, exit out of the Walls menu. 
  2. Select the Power Icon to be brought to the Shut Down screen. 
  3. Confirm by selecting Shut Down
Cynap Walls Menu open
When FInished: Sttep 1
Zeanah Control Panel showing presentation mode
When Finished: Step 2
Zeanah Control Panel Shut Down window with options to confirm shut down or cancel
When Finished: Step 3

These instructions will help you to connect a device to the Cynap.

Go to our Cynap page in the Technology Training section for more advanced features of using Cynap.

Connecting Your Laptop Wirelessly:

  1. Connect your laptop.
    • On Windows: 
      1. Use the Windows Key + K Key to bring up the Project menu.
      2. Choose Connect to a wireless display
      3. Choose the Cynap for your room. 
    • On MacBook: 
      1. Select the Airplay icon in your menu bar to see available devices. 
      2. Select the Cynap for your room. 
  2. Enter the 4-digit code that appears at the top of the Cynap screen on your laptop. Your laptop will appear on the Cynap screen. 

Connecting a Wired Device:

Use these steps to display a device that is hooked up using an HDMI cable; this includes the document camera or a laptop.

1. On the Control Panel under the Cynap Input menu, select the device you want to display from the Cynap onto the projector. You can select from your document camera, laptop connected with HDMI or VGA, or Blu-ray player.
Note: Your control panel may look different than the image on the right.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is MicrosoftTeams-image-1.jpg
2. On the Cynap screen, tap the screen and select the [ + ] button.
3. Then, select Cynap Input to add the device previously selected on the Control panel. 
4. Your selected device will appear on the Cynap screen. If you are not in mirror mode, where the instructor screen is mirrored on the main screen, you can send the image over to the main projector screen by tapping the bottom menu of the window on the Cynap and choosing the Send to Projector button.
Note: OIT recommends using Mirror mode to make things simpler. If you use Mirror mode, make sure you go to your home screen on the control panel and turn the system off, then turn the system back on at the beginning of class. This will reset your PIN code for Cynap so that previous users will not have the PIN code.

The camera in your classroom can be controlled by the Control Panel in your room. You should see a Camera control button on the panel. This is usually under the Cynap menu. On this button, you can pan, tilt, and zoom in with your camera. In some classrooms, cameras may have preset controls that will move them to a set spot and zoom. Try out the controls available to you in your room.

Tip: if you are zoomed in, the pan and tilt will be more pronounced. Zoom out to have more control over the movement of the camera.

These cameras are set up to use with Zoom or Panopto, which you can access through the WebRTC app on your Cynap.

This room is a departmentally-controlled classroom. OIT may not be able to completely support this room because it is not a campus-hosted classroom. We have provided information as to what is in the classroom to the best of our knowledge.

Each classroom contains 1 Cynap and 1 Cynap Core. When combined, the 4 rooms contain 4 Cynaps and 4 Cynap Cores.

These instructions will help you to hold a Teams meeting or record your lecture using Teams and Cynap in your classroom.

Step 1: On the Control Panel, display Cynap on the Projector.

Learn how to display Cynap on the projector. (This link will open in a new tab)

Step 2A: Prepare to share the document camera or your device (example: laptop connected by HDMI or VGA).

On the Control Panel, ensure your Mirror Display is set to ON.
On the Control Panel, under the Cynap Input menu, choose what you want to display (HDMI, doc cam).

Note: you can share your laptop either wired or wirelessly on Cynap.

Step 2B: Share the document camera or your device (example laptop connected by HDMI or VGA)

Tap the Cynap screen and select [+] button

Tap Cynap Input to bring up the device you previously selected on the Cynap Input menu (laptop plugged in with HDMI or doc cam).

Step 3: Choose Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 Icon

Step 4: Choose the Microsoft Teams icon

Microsoft Teams icon

Step 5: Sign into your Microsoft 365 account using your UT email and password.

Note, you will need to authenticate using Two-Factor authentication.

Microsoft Sign In page

Step 6: Start your meeting.

You can go to the Calendar tab and find a scheduled meeting, decide to start a meeting now and invite people to it, or start a call with individual people. Adjust your meeting settings.

Step 7: Select Join Now.

Remember to use the lapel mic in order to be heard on your recording or in your meeting.

Step 8: Select which open window you wish to share.

Note, this would be your laptop connected with HDMI or VGA or document camera chosen as Cynap Input or a wirelessly connected laptop, phone, or tablet.

Step 9: Under the More button, find Record and transcribe. (optional step if you want to record)

Tap Start Recording.

You can go back to the More menu to select Stop recording, but recording will also stop when you end the meeting.

Step 10: Your recording will be saved automatically to your OneDrive in a folder named Recordings (which can be accessed from any device that you can log into your OneDrive with).

Make sure to save your meeting recording before it expires; you can save it to your OneDrive or change the expiration date to a later date or never.

Access your meeting recording in the Recordings folder in OneDrive. Open the file.
Press the Expiration date.
Choose a later expiration date or never.

Printable PDF Instructions

Recording Your Lecture with Microsoft Teams (PDF)

These instructions will help you to record your lecture using Panopto and Cynap in your classroom.

Step 1: Display Cynap to the Projector

Learn how to display Cynap on the projector. (This link will open in a new tab)

Step 2A: Prepare to share the document camera or your device (example: laptop connected by HDMI or VGA).

Ensure your Mirror Display is ON.

Under the Cynap Input menu, select what you want to display.

Step 2B: Share the document camera or your device (example laptop connected by HDMI or VGA).

Tap the Cynap screen and select the [+] button.

Select the Cynap Input icon to bring up the device you previously selected on the Cynap Input menu

Step 3: Choose WebRTC

Step 4: Choose the Panopto icon

Step 5: Log into UTK Canvas with your NetID and password using Two-Factor Authentication

Step 6: Choose the green Create button

Step 7: Choose Panopto Capture: Record in Browser

Step 8: Choose your laptop or other device previously added to Cynap by tapping the Screens and Apps button at the top of the Panopto page.

To change to a different source, select the Screens and Apps button again

Step 9: To record, tap the red circular Record button.

Step 10: To end the recording, tap the red square Stop button.

Step 11: Saving Your Recording

Recordings and Settings are automatically saved, however, you have the option to:

  • Enter the name you wish to call your recording on the pop-up window.
  • Choose the folder where you wish to save the recording.
  • WAIT to close out the window until you see the green bar message in the upper left corner that says it is safe to close your browser window.

Printable PDF Instructions

Recording Your Lecture with Panopto (PDF)

These instructions will help you to hold a Zoom meeting or record your lecture using Zoom and Cynap in your classroom.

Step 1: On the Control Panel, display Cynap on the Projector.

Learn how to display Cynap on the projector. (This link will open in a new tab)

Step 2 - Sharing a device plugged in with a wire or connected wirelessly.

Step 2A: Share the document camera or your device connected with a wired cable (example: laptop connected by HDMI, USB-C, VGA).

On the Control Panel, ensure your Mirror Display is set to ON.
On the Control Panel, under the Cynap Input menu, choose what you want to display (HDMI, doc cam, etc.).

Tap the Cynap screen and select [+] button

On the Cynap, tap Cynap Input (in some rooms this icon is labeled HDMI - even if you are plugged in with another device or using a different cable). This will bring up the device you previously selected on the Cynap Input menu from the control panel (laptop plugged in with HDMI, USB-C, doc cam, etc.).

yellow plus menu from Cynap
Cynap input button under the plus menu on Cynap

Step 2B: Sharing a device connected wirelessly

On the Control Panel, ensure your Mirror Display is set to ON.

Follow these instructions to connect your device wirelessly.

Note: most MacBooks work best when connected wirelessly to Cynap. This will often prevent the green screen issue where the screen turns green when sharing.

(links open in a new tab)

Step 3: Choose WebRTC

Step 4: Choose the Zoom Icon

Step 5: On the Zoom page, choose Create or Edit account to login with your NetID and Password

Note, you will need to authenticate using Two-Factor authentication.

Create or Edit Account allows you to start a recurring meeting.

Step 6: Select Join Audio by Your Computer

This may automatically join for you. However, if it does not, press the blue Join Audio by Computer button. Make sure you use the lapel mic. Make sure you unmute from the microphone icon on Zoom. Note you will not see the green indicator for sound until you have either started a recording or have someone in your meeting.

Step 7: Share Screen

Remember to use the lapel mic in order to be heard on your recording or in your meeting.

On the WebRTC window, choose the Share Screen icon at the bottom of the Zoom window.

Step 8: Select which open window you wish to share.

Note, this would be your laptop connected with HDMI or VGA or document camera chosen as Cynap Input or a wirelessly connected laptop, phone, or tablet.

Step 9: Record Your Presentation (skip this step if you want to just have a live meeting and not record)

Select the record button on the WebRTC window to record your Zoom presentation. If given the choice, please choose "record to cloud." Recordings will be copied over to Panopto for you as long as you have made that connection through Panopto.

Note, in some rooms, the room camera turns off when sharing the screen. To turn the camera back on, select Start Video again.

Printable PDF Instructions

Recording Your Lecture with Zoom (PDF)

Printable PDF Instructions